Thursday, January 6, 2011

I am living in interesting times! -the roof appears but...

I was told that building something from plans or sketches was a lot different once the job hit the ground and they were 120% right.
I have had the usual setbacks with material gone south and at this point the structural beam I had engineered by the truss manufacturer came in too light . My framer intervened for me as I have no clue what the spec should have been and the result is that they are replacing the beam for me but it is a real pain now as the sheeting is on and the best we can do now is screw the new beams on to the side of the original beam or take her down to the walls . That's not about to happen.
So this week was real slow. The lumber yard "*forgot to ship me* framing materials and plywood" That lost me a day then the good news about the 24' beam.
At his juncture, I managed to get the roof felted and the rest of the Tyvek on although with some wrinkles as I worked by myself and the wind was about 20 knots.
I had the tar paper blow down three times and that meant going down and rolling it up and carrying it up the ladder and laying it out again. Oh joy!

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